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Planning Board Minutes 02/25/08
Planning Board Minutes 2/25/08
Greenfield Planning Board Regular Meeting
Fourth Monday February 25, 2008

Minutes recorded by Kathleen Carpenter
Planning Board Meeting Opens
Those Present: Members Adams, Carrara, O’Connell, Fletcher and Borden. Steere is sitting in for Morris. Peter Hopkins is present.
7:10pm Planning Board Business – Mail
Memorandum from the Office of Energy and Planning concerning Zoning Conference
CMRH Minimum Impact Expedited Application from NH Environmental Services Wetlands Bureau
Bond Estimate Worksheet – Eugene Mitchell Sawmill Estates
Letter from Keach-Nordstrom Associates, Inc. regarding Brooke Leasing Application
Receipt of Application from NH Department of Environmental Services Alteration of Terrain Program concerning CMRC Map R2/11
Email from Steven Keach in reference to Brooke Leasing Application
Carrara reads minutes from Feb 11, 2008 meeting.
The following corrections are noted:
It is noted that the last meeting was ‘December 10, 2008’ should read ‘December 10, 2007’
for Mitchell Open Space Development ‘minimum vertical length’ of the road should read ‘minimum vertical curve length’
for Griffing’s ‘site plan review’ should read ‘site plan review application’
Fletcher moves that minutes be accepted as amended. Borden seconds the motion. Carrara asks for discussion, hearing none Carrara calls for a vote, all were in favor, the motion passes.
Carrara discusses March 10 Agenda
Griffing site plan review
Martin Smith subdivision
Continuation of Mitchell
Mike Borden addresses the PB concerning the Feb 14, 2008 Shore Lands Protection Act seminar he attended. There is a website to go to for information:
Kevin O’Connell discusses items from the ZBA.
1. ZBA special exemptions application from CMRC – the ZBA needs PB comment. Carrara passes around a photo journal consisting of photos of the wetlands that the trail would cross. He also passes out plats provided to the PB that shows the trail. Carrara moves that the PB supports the granting of the required special exemptions for the CMRC proposed accessible trail. Fletcher seconds. No discussion. All in favor. O’Connell abstains. The motion passes.
2. Multi-faceted John Haithcock appeal from administrative decision of Oct 12, 2007 where he was denied a building permit. He is looking for variance from the E4 Section 3 frontage requirement. Hopkins discusses the reasons for the denial of the building permit. The PB’s concern is that this is a zero frontage lot. Carrara moves that the PB says issues no comment. Borden seconds. No discussion, all in favor, O’Connell abstains. The motion passes.
8:05pm Open Space Development Application on Forest Road Tax Map R9-43 for Brook Leasing and Development
Chad Brannon from Meridian Land Services and the applicant James Hawkins are present.
Carrara reads the pertinent minutes from the last meeting 8:30pm January 28, 2008.
Brannon states they have addressed 90% of the items and are awaiting their Alternation of Terrain approval which is holding up the subdivision. Brannon passes out the updated plats as well as a copy of the cistern easement deed.
Deficiencies noted January 28, 2008 and their resolutions:
1. Ownership and maintenance of the fire cistern on lot 15 needs to be addressed by the HOA agreement, the town needs an easement for sole usage and accessibility. Cistern Easement Deed is provided to the PB. Carrara will provide this to Town Counsel for review.
2. The Board wants to look at the NH DOT permit (access off of 31), the NH alteration of terrain permit, and NH subdivision approval. Brannon provides the DOT permit for PB review the permit number has been added to the plan, the Alteration of Terrain and subdivision approval are still pending.
3. Lot 15 and 43 are the open space lots that should be noted on the plat. Note 4 at the end, it references R9-43 and R9-43-15 as open space lots including the area. Also there is open space text adjacent to the lot numbering on the plans.
4. HOA agreement concerning the open space. Brannon provides the HOA for PB review. Carrara will provide a copy to Town Counsel for review. This also addresses the deficiency #7.
5. Carol notes that there is a 60’ right of way, which the plan shows. Brannon would like 50’. The traditional subdivision regulation is 50’, the open space ordinance is 60’. The waiver was granted at the last meeting. Brannon has updated the plats and added note 16 which notes the waivers and the agreement. On the next page the right of way has been revised to 50’ with the setbacks as agreed to at the last meeting.
6. Need to solidify pavement and shoulder widths for road. Carol states that the subdivision regulations call for 50’ safe access with 18’ of pavement and 6’ shoulders, resulting in a total of 24’. The open space ordinance calls for a safe access of 60’ with 20’ of pavement. This was also addressed at the last PB meeting.
7. HOA Private road maintenance. This is in the HOA.
8. Stop signs? Brannon states that they have left the stop sign there however the applicant is willing to remove it if the PB so requires. It is depicted on the road design plans. The PB discusses that they would recommend leaving the stop sign in place.
9. Performance bond and escrow account for road and cistern construction. Brannon would like to defer this for discussion (Escrow and Bonding).
10. On the cover page the tax map numbers need to be fixed. Tax map numbers have been edited.
At this time Carrara would like to close the public hearing. The public hearing is closed at 8:23pm.
The PB enters a deliberative session at 8:26pm and Carrara reads the standard language regarding deliberative sessions.
The outstanding issues are:
still awaiting 2 permits from the state
legal counsel must review cistern agreement and HOA documents
bonding and escrow needs to be discussed
proposed driveway cuts need to be shown on the plats
The PB would like to have someone on board to do on site inspections of the road. The PB enters into a general discussion regarding the bonding of the road. The PB wants to have someone with the proper background to inspect the road. Borden suggests that the layout and grubbing is inspected, then the sub-grade and the final crushed gravel. Carrara asks if a maximum limit is $5000 for inspections is reasonable. O’Connell asks when the building would begin. Hawkins states that the road would be completely finished up to the binder course, the driveway cuts would be made as the road is built. The building would begin after the binder course is complete. Brannon states that a building permit should not be issued until the road is complete but that is the reason a bond is pulled for the wear course. The application was accepted Jan 28, 2008 so there are nearly 30 days left. Carrara asks if the PB would like to discuss anything further.
The PB discusses Keach’s estimate and the PB’s application of the requirement for road inspections. Carrara states that he wants the PB to remain as neutral as possible. The PB decides that they will require driveway cuts to be shown on the plats. Brannon states that Duffy’s signature would not be required since this was a private road. The PB agrees that Duffy’s signature block can be removed. Carrara moves the board to take up the discussion regarding inspections of the road and how to remain fair and consistent. Carrara would like to schedule a continuation this for March 24, 2008. Adams will speak with Keach to notify him to go ahead and begin the review. For the bonding issue, there will be an inspection process and no building permits will be issued until that process is complete. The wear course would be bonded. Fletcher requests a site walk, Borden and O’Connell would like to walk the property as well. The PB members will get with Peter Hopkins for individual informal site walks.
9:30pm Adams moves to adjourn the meeting.
Borden seconds, Carrara calls for discussion, hearing none Carrara calls for a vote, all are in favor, the motion passes, the PB meeting is adjourned.
Minutes will be sent to: Mike Borden